The answer is me. Yay!
This week I was lucky enough to meet both of the above. For the uniniated, Jessica Watson is the youngest person to ever circumnavigate the globe and we were lucky enough to score a visit from her at our school. I was inspired and even more importantly, my wee heroines were totally inspired. I did not realise that Jessica overcame her dyslexia to learn how to read navigation charts etc so that she could follow her dream. My seven and eight year olds lined up to get her book and both have been sleeping with it ever since.
I however have been taking Kylie Kwong to bed, or at least her latest cookbook. I was lucky enough to attend a breakfast where she was speaking and was enamoured by her passion for her food and how it is produced. For anyone who has not seen the new book, it is a celebration of the people who supply her with produce and the anecdotes within its pages are as good as the recipes.
Meeting these wonderful women has inspired my passion so work has gone on in earnest this week on my latest book.
What has inspired you this week. And I will give extra points if anyone says my post.
Have a great week.
A Sneak Peek of My Latest Release!
5 years ago